
Current Events
Fantabiography.com is pleased to announce:
ElPezCore Press is pleased to announce
A Kickstarter campaign for
52 Weeks: A Performance-Video Project Re-envisioned
by Jim Jeffers and Danelle Michaud
Starting June 8 and ending July 8, 2018.
They have a very modest $3000 goal! Help support art & design!
Past Events
http://fantabiography.com/flyover16/ as part of Art2Drone 2015
New Media Caucus Showcase
Thursday, Feb. 12th, 2015
Hunter MFA building, 205 Hudson Street, New York, NY
Akin, Atif
Assistant Professor
Design and Media Arts
Rutgers University
Coleman, Christopher
Associate Professor and Director
Emergent Digital Practices
University of Denver
DePietro, Peter
Associate Professor
College Conservatory of Art
University of Cincinnati
Gaetano, Paula
Assistant Professor
Division of Foundation Studies
Rhode Island School of Design
Gellis, Brandon
Graduate Student
Emergent Digital Practices
University of Denver
Harris, Patricia
Assistant Professor of Electronic Media
SUNY Old Westbury
Hodara, Sofie
Design departments at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Emmanuel College, and Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Jasper, Maura
Assistant Professor of Intermedia Art,
Ball State University, Muncie Indiana
Jeffers, Jim
Assistant Professor of Graphic Design & Digital Media
Indian River State College, Fort Pierce, FL
Lichty, Patrick
Digital Studio Practice
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Mayhew, James
Adjunct Professor
American University at George Mason University
McDowell, Jessye
Assistant Professor of Art
Auburn University
Miller, A.Bill
Assistant Professor of Art
University of Wisconsin – Whitewater
Mitchell, Bonnie
Professor, Digital Arts
Bowling Green State University
Mueller, Ellen
Assistant Professor
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Pigford, Ashley
Associate Professor of Graphic and Interaction Design
University of Delaware
Shi, Wenhua
Assistant Professor
Art and Art History Department
Colgate University
Silberg, Steven
Department of Visual Arts
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
All things must end, Fantabiography.com would like
to thank Kristen (Spillane) Zephorous at
www.kspill.com for her years of work on the Superhero Action Archive, but like so many things it has ran its course. Please check out her new projects at on kspill.com as well as the awesome stuff at cognitive-surplus.com.
All the videos can still be found at http://www.youtube.com/user/kspill101
Slow Cyborg – Jim Jeffers
Slow Cyborg is an interactive art project in dialogue with technology, specifically, the now ubiquitous camera-equipped smartphone. Slow Cyborg uses a series of
QR (Quick Response) codes to instruct participants, encouraging them to
'decode' the instructions and then upload their responses.
You can read Jim's article about the Slow Cyborg project for free here.
If you'd like to get involved in the Slow Cyborg project, visit Jim's website to find out how.
52 for 2010
Performance / Video Project
Jim Jeffers
For each of the 52 weeks of 2010 Jeffers will create a video / performance for the internet
url: www.project5242010.Fantabigraphy.com
Now Open:
Printer on Prescott Arts Research Collaborative / Studios
82 Prescott Street, Lowell MA 01854
Jim Jeffers
Steve Mishol
Denise Manseau
Video Lux, Ego Sum Lux Video!
I see light, I am the light I see!
Solo Exhibition
Jim Jeffers
March 3 - April 1, 2012
119 Gallery, Lowell, MA
Opening Reception: March 3, 2012, 3-6pm
Performance: March 16, 2012, 7-10pm
Inside-Out: 7th Annual Juried Show
Exhibition Dates: Nov 15 – Dec 10 2011
Reception: Sat Nov 19, 3-6pm
119 Gallery, Lowell, MA
Juror: Anna Shapiro
**Jim Jeffers, Winner Best of Show**
stay tuned for a solo exhibition in 2012!
Mitchel Ahern, Amy Boger, Anne Brown, Ruth Brownstein, Paul Callahan, Ashley Cantrell, Ashley Carey, Aisling Colleary, Patricia Crotty, Michael F Dailey Jr, Ivy Demos, Chelsea Doherty, Denise Dumas, Meredith Fife-Day, Alexander Giavis, Duy Hoang, Dian Hosmer, Jim Jeffers, Jan Johnson, Dung Le, Alyshia Lien, Denise Manseau, Andy Moerlein, Noredin Morgan, Adam Norton, Patrick Pierce, Dan Rocha, Elaine Seidel, Jonathan Spath, Frank Tadley, Michal Truelsen, Victoria Valente, Brenda van der Beek, Katherine Vetne, Denise Warren, Sarah Wisniewski, Wendy Wollager, Elaine Wood and Rick Breault
Sound/Stages II
August 5th, 2011, 6pm - 11pm
Vox Populi Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
"Remotely Functional"
by Jim Jeffers & Lydia Grey
"Grey and Jeffers have known each for over twelve years and for the first time will come together to create a performance work separated by 356 miles. Grey will be en corpus at Vox Populi while Jeffers will be performing in West Dennis, Massachusetts, along the top of Nantucket Sound on Cape Cod via Skype. Audience participation will be invited as the piece is performed during the course of the event from 6:30pm until 10:30pm (with residue on desplay until close)."
Chain Letter
July 16th, 2011
Samsøn, Boston, MA
July 12th - 30th, 2011 @
119 Gallery, Lowell, MA
Opening Reception
Thursday July, 3pm-6pm
Astrodime Transit Authority, Bebe Beard, Ashley Cantrell, Rick Breault, Michael F Dailey Jr, Samatha Durant, Gilbert Gandia, Lillian Graham, Jim Jeffers, Denise Manseau, Adam Norton, Dan Rocha, Bradford Rusick, Doug Sparks, Emile Tobenfeld, Michal Truelsen, Sarah Wisniewski, Elaine Wood, Walter Wright, Dei Xhrist, Lineu Zadereski
Close Encounters
March 31st - April 23rd, 2011 @
Gallery 51, MCLA, North Adams, MA
Opening Reception
Thursday March 31st, 5pm-8pm
The 2011 Video Show: International Juried Video Exhibition
February 18th - March 18th, 2011 @
Raritan Valley Community College
Lamington Road and Route 28
North Branch, NJ 08876
Opening Night: Februrary 18, 2011, Video showing at 4:30, Artist Talk 5:30, Performances 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Donald Ambroziak
Jeremy Chen
Andrea Chung
Belinda Haikes
Jim Jeffers performing live at the reception
"Bias of Quality: The Pros and Cons of Globalization"
Justin Lincoln
Bill Macholdt
Georg Muehleck
Jeremy Newman
Sylvia Niebruegge
Charmaine Ortiz
Eric Pellegrino
Jordan Perkins-Lewis
Rick Salafia
David Sananman
Jon Shumway
Jennifer Steensma Hoag
Roberto A. Terrones
Ian Thomas
Jacqueline Weaver
Genevieve White
Eun Woo Cho
Ezra Wube
Thursday, February 10th, 2011, 12-8pm
Hilton Hotel New York
1335 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019
v1b3 is presenting media works by the following artists that in the broadest terms possible explore the context of the hotel room as a modular space of transient occupation.
Artists presenting work include:
Olga Ast, Julia Druk & Alex Reid – Under the Bed
Annette Barbier – Stages
Christopher Cassidy – Globequilting
Elizabeth Demaray– Tell Me TV
Greg Garvey – PULL FOR FIRE (an 'hommage' to Jim Dine)
David Gordon – Toilet Art
Jim Jeffers – Crude: Black Gold, Texas Tea, and Me
Mary Agnes Krell – Nothing that is not there
v1b3 is an international curatorial project that aims to present video art that responds to the conditions of site specificity and a public viewer-ship. Urban planners and architects shape cities by means of infrastructure, zoning and buildings. However, other modes of intervention exist capable of influencing the development of city-space. v1b3 brings attention to communicative media interventions to transform public spaces.
February 1st- 7th, 2011 (extended until the 14th)
Jim Jeffers' Fortress of Multitude: project 52 for 2010—and other Fantabiographies
Live Performance / Opening 7pm to 10pm, Friday, February 4th, 2011
MEME Gallery
55 Norfolk Street Cambridge, MA 02139
The first installation of all 52 videos of project 52 for 2010 by artist Jim Jeffers, Jim Jeffers’ Fortress of Multitude: project 52 for 2010—and other Fantabiographies represents the sum of one performance / video per week for the 52 weeks of 2010. The exhibition will display all 52 videos playing on 13 channels on various devices (four videos per device). The video / performances explore a personal relationship with culture through a psychoactive lens, reflecting on current events global and personal, complex and childlike. Driven outer liminal osmotic absorption of the essential thoughts and actions of the artist’s year is the expected experience. During the exhibition the video / performance pieces will be singularly available for viewing on the internet at http://project5242010.Fantabiography.com.
In addition the artist will be performing a selection of live pieces in response to the installation and audience.
Secrets: 6th Annual Juried Exhibition
Nov. 23 - Dec. 18, 2010 Tuesday - Saturday / Noon - 5pm
featuring: Arin Betul, Marc Bisson, Rick Breault, Anne Brown, Joe Brown, Michael F Dailey Jr, Gilbert Gandia, Lillian Graham, Marcus Griep, Chehalis Hegner, Dian Hosmer, Jim Jeffers, Jan Johnson, Kyeong Kim, Denise Manseau, Hally McGehean, Dan McNeil, Dan Rocha, Margot Stage, Felicia Sullivan, Brenda Van der Beek, Katherine Vetne, Kellie Weeks, Wendy Wollaeger, Elaine Wood, Dei Xhrist, Dan Younger
119 Gallery, Lowell MA
Panel for Landscape as Process
an exhibition by Stephen Mishol
featuring panelist Jim Jeffers
Wednesday, Oct. 6th, 2010, at 7 pm
119 Gallery, Lowell MA
the website of artist Jim Jeffers is proud to be included in the exhibition
Limners to Facebook: Portraiture from the 19th to the 21st Century
at the
Asheville Art Museum
2 South Pack Square
Asheville, NC 28802-1717
Saturday, February 27 – Sunday, July 18, 2010
Appleby Foundation Gallery
for more information: www.ashevilleart.org
is a Chicago Art Department exhibition themed around the idea of the Hollywood summer blockbuster movie. Since the release of Jaws in 1977, the summer movie season has, for better or for worse, become characterized by over the top, big budget, action, special-effects laden movies that we now know as “the summer blockbuster”. The art in this exhibition looks at the summer movie as cultural phenomena and symbol, as nostalgia and memory, and yes even simple, mindless fun.
Current confirmed artists include:
Ryan Roberts
Christophe Roberts
Clare Rosean
Nat Soti
Mike Nourse
Jim Jeffers
Ali Seradge
Sarah and Joseph Belknap
Kayce Bayer and Chris Lin
Kerry Flaherty
Chicago Art Department
Friday July 9th, 2010
1837 S. Halsted, Chicago, IL
Vox Populi, Philadelphia
July 9 - August 1, 2010
Opening Reception: Friday, July 9, 6-11pm*
Gallery Hours: Wednesday - Sunday 12 - 6 pm
Gallery talk: With artists and jurors, Sunday, July 18 at 3 pm
*Please note that Vox will not open on First Friday in July due to the holiday weekend.
juried by artists William Powhida
and Jennifer Dalton.
This is Vox Populi's sixth annual exhibition of emerging artists and features 33 national and international artists, including many from the greater Philadelphia area. The artists were selected from a pool of over 425 applicants and exhibit works in a variety of media: painting, sculpture, photography, drawing, installation, video, animation, and ceramics.
This year's exhibition features Derya Altan (Pontiac, MI); Clint Baclawski (Jamaica Plain, MA); Joshua Bienko (College Station, TX); Caetlynn Booth (Highland Park, NJ); Nicole De Brabandere (Columbus, OH); Piper Brett (Philadelphia); Susan Marie Brundage (Mifflinburg, PA); Sally Dennison (New York); Lauren Dombrowiak (Philadelphia); Amber DuBois (Brooklyn, NY); Lindsay Foster (Bergen, Norway); Katelyn Greth (Pottstown, PA); Jordan Griska (Philadelphia); Megan Hays (New York); Jim Jeffers (Lowell, MA); Matt Kalasky (Philadelphia); Sarah Knouse (Lewisburg, PA); Diedra Krieger (Philadelphia); Janet Macpherson (Columbus, OH); Dustin Metz (Philadelphia); Kelli Miller (Brooklyn, NY); Sanford Mirling (Troy, NY); Erin Murray (Philadelphia); Nightmare City (San Francisco); Manuel Pena (Rochester, NY); E. Elizabeth Peters (Staatsburg, NY); Constanze Pirch (Philadelphia); Aidan Rumack (Philadelphia); Nora Salzman (Philadelphia); Libby Saylor (Astoria, NY); Samantha Simmons (Philadelphia); Joshua Weibley (Brooklyn, NY); and Sheila Whitsett (Philadelphia).
Open House at
Printer on Prescott Artists Research Center
June 10, 2010 from 6pm to 8pm
82 Prescott Lowell, MA 01854
come by and look at the studios of Jim Jeffers, Stephen Mishol, Denise Manseau, & Jan Johnson
''Unspineless, if not Accorded (11 of 52 for 2010)''
will be screened in the New Media Curious Experimental Moving Images Festival
The video will be shown in Experimental Moving Images from the Art Technology New England Community
Thursday April 22, 2010, at Axiom Center for New And Experimental Media.
for more information: axiomart.org
NMC Artist Colloquium Meet & Greet
Wednesday 2/10/10 from 4pm - 6pm
Illinois State Museum
100 West Randolph St, 2nd Floor
Come join us for a reception at the Illinois State Museum on Wednesday 2/10 before the convocation where we’ll be holding ongoing, artist led, five-minute presentations of artwork
by NMC and/or Chicago's OpenNode members:
Nicholas Sagan
Belinda Haikes
Dmitry (Dima) Strakovsky
Jim Ferolo
Sara Schnadt
Leslie Raymond & Jason Jay Stevens (Potter-Belmar Labs)
Jay Alan Yim & Marlena Novak (LocalStyle)
Taylor Hokanson & Chris Reilly
Ben Chang
Fernando Orellana
Sabrina Raaf
Joan Truckenbrod
Pat Badani
Mat Rappaport
Jessica Walker
Jim Jeffers
Vagner Whitehead
Material is Language: 5th Annual Juried Exhibit
Juried by Nick Capasso, Senior Curator, deCordova Sculpture Park+ Museum
Mitchel K Ahern, Betul Arin,
Sarah Bennett, Deborah Brown,
Kathleen Cammarata, Anne Cavanaugh,
Jim Coates, Michael F. Dailey Jr.,
Empire S.N.A.F.U. Restoration Project,
Nicole Ratos Enerson, Charles Gallagher,
Amy Geise, Jane Fox Hipple,
Dian Hosmer, Anna Isaak-Ross,
Jim Jeffers, Jan Johnson,
Kyeong Kim, Craig Lupien,
Denise Manseau, Stephen Mishol,
Andy Moerlein, Alicia Renadette,
Yulanda Rios, Dan Rocha,
Lynda Schlosberg, Laurie Simko,
Emile Tobenfeld, Brenda van der Beek,
Katherine Vetne, Charlies Win,
Dei Xhrist
November 24 - December 19, 2009, 12noon-5pm
Reception: Saturday December 5, 6-9pm
119 Gallery
119 Chelmsford St, Lowell MA 01851
«directions to the gallery»
Genii Loci (Ghosts of Protection)
a solo exhibition
by Jim Jeffers
September 2 - 25, 2009
University Gallery
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Opening Reception:
Sept. 9th, 3-5pm beginning with
performance / artist talk in O'Leary 222
"Fast Times At UMass Lowell (for Jeff Spicoli and Al Hansen)" a meditation on paper.
«directions to the gallery»
"Improvised Comfort Device (food) (Superhero Action)"
a performance by Jim Jeffers
As a peace offering to swine, and a gesture of good will food will be served.
June 18th, 2009 beginning @ 6:45pm
119 Gallery
119 Chelmsford St, Lowell, MA 01851
«directions to the gallery»
"(roadside) Improvised Comfort Device (one)"
a performance by Jim Jeffers
with Jean Jeffers
Day De Dada 2009 Shop-o-Rama
Performance Art Parade
at Art By The Ferry Festival
Staten Island NYC
June 6th, 2009 @ 2:00pm
Staten Island Museum
«info link» «directions link»
The Video Show:
International Juried Video Exhibition
Feb. 13th - March 13th 2009
Opening Reception and Artists Talk
Feb. 13th @
Raritan Valley Community College
Lamington Road and Route 28
North Branch, NJ 08876
Exhibition Juried by:
Lydia Grey, Kelly Oliver & Ann Tsubota
Winner of Prof. Ann Tsubota's Juror's Prize
"Futon Drawing (corpus sine sanguine)"
video by Jim Jeffers
«youtube link»
119 Gallery
4th Annual Juried Show:
Anxiety Attack
Mitchel K Ahern, Lee Aulson, Jane Von Letkemann Coder, DeiX, Charles Gallagher, Chehalis Hegner, Dian Hosmer, Jim Jeffers, Jolly Boring, Hyun Ju Kim, Ebenezer Archer Kling, Jane-Sarah MacFarlane, Brendan McCauley, Hally McGehean, Dan Rocha, SR Sopha, Emile Tobenfeld, Michal Truelsen, Kellie Weeks
Juried by:
Thomas C. Seggers, Jr., aka Tommey, Founder and President of Artists-at-Large, in Hyde park.
November 25 - December 20, 2008, Tuesday- Saturday 12noon- 5pm
Reception Sunday December 7 3- 6pm
119 Chelmsford Street Lowell, MA 01851
119 Gallery
2nd Annual Members' Exhibit:
A New World
DATES: May 27 - June 21, 2008
Reception: Sat. June 14, 2008
119 Chelmsford Street Lowell, MA 01851
ART SLAVE gallery
Persons of Interest
A group show featuring over 20 artists of varying styles
participating Artists:
Erik Shearer . Art Slave . Jason Hadley
Joseph Fernandez . Peter Romberg
Jen Heaslip . Victor Wilde . Aaron Acord
Jeremy Cross . Pee Monster . Jim Jeffers
Valery Milovic . Bekka Teerlink . Jose Lopez
Aunia Kahn . Victor Brazfield . Andrew Erdos
Michael Gullberg . Ted von Heiland
Jesus Raudiel . lisa Moneypenny
Sandy Rodriguez . Nathan Cartwright
DOWN TOWN LA ART WALK Thursday May 8th
--- noon till midnight ---
(now with over 30 galleries participating)
Saturday May 10th
(8pm till midnight)
this is a free open to the public event
ART SLAVE gallery . 216 S Spring street .
Los Angeles . California . 90012
213 598 3155
Is it possible to make a photograph of New Jersey regardless of where you are in the world?
with work by:
Jim Jeffers
Stephen Mishol
Anne Percoco
and many others
April 6 - May 25, 2008
The Pierro Gallery of South Orange,
South Orange, NJ
Guest Curator: Laurel Ptak
Opening reception April 6, 3:00-5:00
"Strategic Admission Procedure (S.I.)"
performance by
Jim Jeffers
Adam Norton, Denise Manseau, Derek Paul, Heather Derby, Julia Pelosi, Shuwen Liu and Stacie Hargis
special thanks to Prof. Mignon Duffy
as part of:
Reframing Homeland Security: Building a CWW Agenda for Justice and Care at Home, at Work and in the Community
Gathering at the Well 10th Annual Forum
Center for Women and Work
Alumni Hall, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell MA
April 3rd, 2008
STATE of the ART:
An exhibition of recent work by Massachusetts University,
State, and
Community College Faculty
Bunker Hill Community College Gallery
250 New Rutherford Ave · Boston, Massachusetts 02129-2995
November 5th - December 21st 2007
Artist's Reception : Thursday, November 8th, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00p.m.
Artist Talk : December 6th, 1-2:30pm
"Wedding Celebration 2.0"
by Jim Jeffers & Jean Jeffers
with Michael Maxwell, Lydia Grey,
Scott Heath, Heather Freeman,
Olivia Kalin & Suzy Connors
Johnson Park, Piscataway NJ
June 16th, 2007
Metus Nihil (fear nothing)
Exhibition by Jim Jeffers
Herrett Center for Arts and Science
Jean B. King Gallery
College of Southern Idaho
315 Falls Avenue
Twin Falls, ID
May 29th - August 25, 2007
Opening Reception: May 29, 2007
7pm - 9pm
"What Wouldn't Dada Eat (Superhero Action)-Ta Dah!"
by Jim Jeffers (East Coast) &
Kristen Spillane (West Coast)
What Does Dada Eat?
Annual Day de Dada
Performance Art Show
Martini Red,
372 Van Duzer Street,
Staten Island, NY
April 14th, 2007
Saturday 6:00 to 8:00pm
I Had the Strangest Dream
2nd Annual Juried Exhibition
119 Gallery
119 Chelmsford St, Lowell, MA
978 452 8138
November 14, 2006 - January 12, 2007
Reception: December 16, 2006
Feedback: Artist to Artist
group exhibition (traveling)
the German House Gallery
The Consulate General of
The Federal Republic of Germany
871 UN Plaza
New York, NY
October 5 - November 8, 2006
folio / 2x12
group exhibition (traveling)
Artist talk: Sept. 15, 5:30pm-6:30pm
The College Art Gallery
Raritan Valley College
Somerville, NJ
September 11 - September 28, 2006
New Ideas / New Directions
group exhibition
Artist talk: Sept. 16, 2:30pm-3:30pm
Printmaking Council of New Jersey
Somerville, NJ
August 5 - November 4, 2006
"Packaged Goods
(Superhero Action)"
a performance by
Jim Jeffers
also digital photographs
a collaborative art exhibition
between VLEPO Gallery &
NYC Arts Cypher
NYC Arts Cypher
12 Broad St (off Bay St.)
Staten Island, NYC
October 15, 2005
@ 8pm
folio / 2x12
group exhibition
The Hunterdon Art Museum
Clinton, NJ
July 22, 2005 - October 16, 2005
Artist Talk for
Sol Omnibus Lucet
(the sun shines upon us all)
by Jim Jeffers
The Contemporary Artists Cent
North Adams, MA
July 20th, 7pm, 2005
Sol Omnibus Lucet
(the sun shines upon us all)
an solo exhibition by Jim Jeffers
curated by Lisa Dorin
The Contemporary Artists Center
North Adams, MA
July 23rd to September 4th, 2005
opening July 23, 7-10pm, 2005
Artist Talk for
Short Trips
by Jim Jeffers
The Jersey City Museum
April 28th 6pm 2005
Short Trips
a video exhibition by
Jim Jeffers
The Jersey City Museum
opening Jan 20th 6-8pm 2005
Jan 20th until May 10th
Partial Recall: performance art,
new media and
certain investigations
curated by
Kristen Spillane
@ Gallery Aferro
115 E. Kinney St. 4th floor
Newark, NJ
"A Target With No Faces (Superhero Action)"
with Eileen Mulcahy, SideKick
10.30.04 @ 1pm South Orange NJ
Sponsored By
Saturday, October 30th, at 1pm
at the South Orange NJ Train Station
call 973.378.775
for details
Video Screening and Performances
featuring the Documentary film
world premiere of
Blurring Boundaries:
contemporary art & performance
by Kristen Spillane
@ 5 pm
@ The Sun Factory
394 Broadway #6, NYC
(between Walker & White
below Canal)
sponsored by Harpoon Brewery
& Castle Brands
info at www.kspill.com |